|Design for a lifetime |
Autodesk talks mainly about products, but this applies to architecture as well.
NOTES - from Sensai Santo
- a huge part of architecture after is has been decommissioned becomes land fill.
- don't just slap on photovoltaic cells
- think about the sustainability of the actual product/material you are placing on the building
Life cycles of Architecture
Pyramids: Permanent Existence through Maintenance
Ise Shrines: Permanent Existence through Reconstructions
Street Restaurant: Dynamic + Ephemeral
NEW Babylon [Constant 1957~]
Alternative architectural spaces, where people can go through a certain experience/activity.
How can the town be designed so that people can go through spontaneous activities?
What could people be constructing and altering in space to think about this?
Unhappy with a fixed architectural/governmental system.
How can we rethink about NEW Babylon in the 21st century?
- physical design co - on demand manufacturing
- Wiki House - how can your architectural identity be standardised somehow?
- QuaDror - how can you create a base component?
Whatever you are introducing must have an unique identity.We could provide the infrastructure for the people to create something in the future.
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